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These fundraisers are optional but
open for ALL dancers to benefit from. 
Funds will be applied directly to your acct.

 8. Superbowl Football Squares 

The dancer's family will be responsible for their own board from start to finish and will Simply turn in their profits. We will supply a board below to fill in and post on social media.

You will fill the squares, collect the funds, pull your numbers & disperse winnings. We have made a smaller board option with 25 slots as dancers will need to fill their own boards or will need to share with someone on their own. Simply turn in Cash/check when you have completed a board. 

Click here for a 25 Square Board ($250 Profit)
Click here for a 100 Square Board ($1,000 Profit)

- Post the board asking for support
- Keep track of what numbers have been taken by highlighting on social media or keeping hand written board with you and posting updated photo of it.
- Collect funds ASAP via venmo, etc
- Pull numbers with a deck of cards at random
- Post/share complete board so those that supported you have it for the game 
- turn in 50% profit to studio 
- Separate funds for winners after the game.


1. Money Dolly   40-80% Profit

Dates: ________

40% Profit on items (so many to choose from)

and 80% profit on donations (20% goes to the app company)


Click here to set up the app for _________ Start date! 


Step 1: Click the link above to download the app & follow prompts
Step 2: Make Acct and Use your dancer's name 
Step 3: Add atleast 5 contacts from your phone and the app will ask them to support!
Step 4: Click share to text, email, post to facebook. Click the QR Code to sell in person. 

Step 5: In the app you can text people from your phone number with asking for support. The more you add, the more support you'll get! 
** All Orders are mailed directly to them 3-4 days after ________ fundraiser closing. 
And once fundraiser is closed we will be given profits from the company to apply to your account


2.  Football Squares (any game in Season)

The dancer's family will be responsible for their own board from start to finish and will Simply turn in their profits. We will supply a board below to fill in and post on social media.

You will fill the squares, collect the funds, pull your numbers & disperse winnings. We have made a smaller board option with 25 slots as dancers will need to fill their own boards or will need to share with someone on their own. (On the 25 square board each person gets 4 numbers that their box touches)


Simply turn in Cash/check when you have completed a board. 
Click here for a 25 Square Board ($250 Profit)
Click here for a 100 Square Board ($1,000 Profit)

- Post the board asking for support
- Keep track of what numbers have been taken by highlighting on social media or keeping hand written board with you and posting updated photo of it.
- Collect funds ASAP via venmo, etc
- Pull numbers with a deck of cards at random
- Post/share completed board so those that supported you have it for the game 
- turn in 50% profit to studio 
- Separate funds for winners after the game.


Dozen Original Donuts 

Price $ 16

Profit $7.50


Click here for Order Form 

Use this Flyer below for social media!


Turn in Paper Order Form with Cash or 1 check (made out to The 716 dance Lab) by __________


Delivery: ____________ You will need to pick up your orders between 2pm - 7pm at the dance studio and distribute to those that ordered from you. 


Note:** We need at least 300 boxes sold in order to get delivery. If not, I need to rent a uhaul and drive to PA to pick them up. Sooooooo I hope ya'll participate. 

4. Great Lakes Coffee

Info coming soon. 


5. **** Sponsor The Month!  - USE ANY TIME! 

Download our Calendar-> Click here 

Use any time! ​


Email to Friends, Text to friends, Post on Social, Post on the Wall in the Office, you name it!

Recommend "marking up the photo" in your camera roll with an X when the day is taken. 


Have your supporters choose a day of the month and donate that dollar amount. You will fundraise over $450 if you fill every day!


 Please turn in 1 check or cash to The 716 dance Lab. You do not need to fill the entire thing. 


Recommendation: Offer a $50 Cash prize to be randomly selected when the board is filled! Take that from your profit. This may help the board fill quicker. But again, some people will just donate just because! 


This fundraiser is solely on the participant and you will just drop the money in the drop box or make a payment online. 

 7. Wilson Farm Beef Sticks

Cost: $20/bag 
Profit: $5/bag 

Form & Funds Due ______

Delivery approx 2 weeks after to the studio

MOP:  Cash or one Check (Made out to 716 Dance Lab) with Order form attached.
Will be delivered to studio approx. 2 weeks following order due date and will be emailed for pickup at the studio. You will need to distribute. 

Click here for Beef Stick chart/ Social Media 
Click here for Order Form 
Click here for Nutritional Facts 


6.  TBD




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The 716 Dance Lab

Contact us!

11 W Main Street 

Lancaster, NY, 14086


©2023 by [The 716 Dance Lab]. Proudly created with

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